St Martin's C. of E. Primary School
Telephone: 01723 360239

Saltwick Bay

Welcome to Saltwick Bay.

The adults in the classroom are Mr Burton (teacher) and Mrs Sealey and Mrs Gildea (assistant teachers). We are all looking forward to the children settling in this term.


We will be investigating mountains and volcanoes in geography, and we will be looking at electricity and circuits in science.


Homework will be set every Friday to be completed for the following week and it will consist of spellings, TT rockstars, grammar, reading and maths.


PE will be every Tuesday, but it will be a good idea to have PE kit in school all week because we will aim to have extra sessions.




In maths we will be following 'White Rose Maths' topics of work and will use a mixture of White Rose resources as well as teacher created resources to ensure that there is comprehensive coverage of the Year 4 and Year 5 curriculums. In each topic area, children will have lots of opportunities to develop their fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills.


In June 2024, the Year 4 children will take part in the governments 'Multiplication Tables Check.' To prepare for this please ensure your child is logging into TT Rockstars regularly at home. In class there will be lots of opportunity for times table (and related division facts) practise for all children.




In Saltwick Bay Class reading is at the heart of what we do.


Every day, children are given '15 Minutes of Reading' time. This is sacred time, where children are allowed to read anything they want to. It could be a book from home, an article printed from a website on a topic that interests them or even a magazine or comic book. We also have children's newspapers delivered once a week in class that are accessible too.


Additionally, every day in class, children will read a text together during 'Whole Class Reading'. This important time is always adult led and after reading, then discussing, the text, children will answer comprehension questions to develop their reading skills and confidence further.



Outdoor Education

Children in Saltwick Bay Class will benefit from a wide range of outdoor education this year.


Mr Smith is a trained Beach Schools instructor and children in both Year 4 and Year 5 will be the first in school to work towards a brand new award called 'The Coastal Citizens Award.'


During regular Beach Schools lessons children will get the opportunity to complete a wide range of activities and tasks on the beach.


However, the 'Coastal Citizens Award' will go further.


Growing up in a coastal town, it is vital that children learn how to stay safe, protect the coastline, and have an understanding of our heritage too. The 'Coastal Citizens Award' will ensure children achieve a rounded knowledge of what it means to live and grow up in a coastal resort town.


Year 4 children will also get the opportunity to visit Peat Rigg in the Spring Term for a week of fun outdoors taking part in activities such as canoeing, caving, zip wires and abseiling. It will test them, but they will also have so much fun and learn a lot about themselves in the process.


Year 5 children, in the summer term, will have the opportunity to camp overnight on the school field at the 'Wilderness Camp'. This is a fantastic experience which allows children to have a lot of fun whilst learning outdoor survival skills.



Class Activities and Events

Our classes use ClassDojo as our platform for class activities and events, for more details please login to your ClassDojo account by clicking the button below.

Class curriculum and useful documents

Please find useful class documents to help your child in and out of School.

Class photos

The School

Tel: 01723 360239


Holbeck Hill,


North Yorkshire,

YO11 3BW


Paper copies of all documents are available free of charge upon request from the school office. They are also available in large print and different languages on request.

Website Information