St Martin's C. of E. Primary School
Telephone: 01723 360239

Term Dates

Closes Opens
Friday 19th Jul 2024 Tuesday 3rd Sept 2024
Friday 25th Oct 2024 Tuesday 5th Nov 2024
Friday 20th Dec 2024 Tuesday 7th Jan 2025
Friday 14th Feb 2025 Monday 24th Feb 2025
Friday 4th Apr 2025 Tuesday 22nd Apr 2025
Friday 2nd May 2025 Tuesday 6th May 2025
Friday 23rd May 2025 Monday 2nd June 2025
Friday 18th July 2025 TBC
These include Staff Training Days and are therefore the dates when children attend school. Staff Training days may be subject to change, but currently are as follows:

Monday 22nd July 2024
Monday 2nd September 2024
Monday 4th November 2024
Monday 6th January 2025
Monday 21st July 2025
Tuesday 22nd July 2025
Please Note: from September 2013, amendments have been made to the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 making it clear that Headteachers may not grant leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Parents can be fined for taking their child on holiday during term time without consent from the school. More information may be found on the Department for Education Website
The School

Tel: 01723 360239


Holbeck Hill,


North Yorkshire,

YO11 3BW


Paper copies of all documents are available free of charge upon request from the school office. They are also available in large print and different languages on request.

Website Information