Vision and Values
St. Martin’s C of E Primary School Vision
"Serve one another in love" - Galatians 5v13
St. Martin’s School isn’t just a school, it’s a family. Firmly rooted in the Christian faith, the St. Martin’s family will share the love of Christ with our diverse school community – all unique and special, made in God’s image, with everyone welcomed and included.
We live out our vision…
as educators, by serving our children, teaching a rich, relevant curriculum and aspiring to the highest possible standards in our work and practice.
sustained by the love of Jesus. Together with the education we provide and the security of a family, our children and families will flourish, widen their horizons and aspire to be the best that they can be.
following the example of Jesus, who washed the feet of his disciples; we will all serve each other. We will also look outwards, seeking to serve our global family as we treat our environment and global neighbours with respect and understanding.
Our School Vision is underpinned by our ‘St. Martin’s 5 Ways to Flourish.’
“Serve one another in love.” Galatians 5:13
The Bible teaches us that as true followers of Jesus, we also must serve others. Service is helping others who need our help. Service grows out of genuine love for God and of love and concern for those whom He gives us opportunities and direction to help.
Our children at St. Martin’s say…
- We help people if they need our help.
- Service includes giving and sharing.
- We look after each other as God would want us to.
- Service is not judging others.
- Service is putting others before ourselves as even Jesus washed the feet of his disciples.
St. Martin’s School isn’t just a school, it’s a family. Firmly rooted in the Christian faith, the St. Martin’s family will share the love of Christ with our diverse school community – all unique and special, made in God’s image, with everyone welcomed and included.
“My God is my strength in whom I trust.” Psalm 18:2
The Bible teaches us that God is good, powerful and wise; he loves everyone more than they can imagine. He has made a way for everybody everywhere to become close friends with him. He will never leave those who trust in him on their own.
Our children at St. Martin’s say…
- It is important that we trust our friends.
- We are able to trust our adults here at school.
- For our St. Martin’s family to work, we have to believe in each other.
- We know we can trust in God.
- Jesus trusted God.
- It is important to be honest and trustworthy and to live honest lives.
Our St. Martin’s family: adults, children, parents and our local community all work together to make it a happy place to be. With trust, we can help the children to truly be the best that they can be.
“But God has combined the members of the body … so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it.” Corinthians 12:24-26
The Bible teaches us that God didn't intend for us to live in isolation. He specifically designed us to crave (and thrive in) relationships with others.
Our children at St. Martin’s say…
- It is where we work together.
- It is a group of people who live in peace with each other.
- It is where everyone supports each other.
- Communities work together to make the world a better place.
- Communities can fundraise to support other people in need.
- The whole world is a community and we have an equal responsibility to look after the planet.
- There are different communities such as: at home, at school, at clubs.
- Communities should be a place of peace and harmony. Everyone should have an equal say.
The members of our school family are interdependent: all are needed and valued and each person is important to the whole. We are working together to ensure all feel included and valued. At. St. Martin’s C of E (VA) Primary School, we believe the value of community encompasses our other values of hope, trust and respect. Through Christ we all share fellowship with one another as one big family.
“Set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” Peter 1:13
The Bible teaches us that true hope is much more than a general idea that things will get better. It is more of a belief in progress, which sees the world and people getting better all the time, growing away from violence, ignorance and confusion.
Our children at St. Martin’s say…
- Hope is where you wish things will get better in the future.
- Hope is believing that you make your dreams come true.
- Achieving goals.
- We are encouraged to be the best that we can be.
- We Pray to God and Jesus to hope that people who aren’t as fortunate as us are supported.
- You hope for things that you love.
At St. Martin’s C of E (VA) Primary School, the children belong to a supportive and nurturing environment. The children are encouraged to be the best that they can be. Through Courageous Advocacy, in particular, charitable giving, the children understand ways in which we can give hope to others. Opportunities throughout school linked to Career Development, give the children the knowledge and tools to have hope for their own future.
“Pay others the honour and respect you owe them.” Romans 13
The Bible teaches us that we ought to respect others, not because they've earned it, but because God respects each one of us and commands us to do the same.
Our children at St. Martin’s say…
- We respect others by listening to them.
- We can respect other people’s opinions and they should be valued.
- Treat someone how you would like to be treated.
- You can earn respect by supporting and helping one another.
- Respect is important because it builds trust and friendships.
- If everyone respected each other, the world would be a much calmer and more peaceful place to live.
Respect has different meanings, but all play a part in how Christians value themselves and the lives of others. Respecting those that love and care for us: our parents, carers, teachers and those in the local community, is an important value at St. Martin’s C of E (VA) Primary School. We should appreciate what is done for us, finding cooperation, not conflict and take responsibility.
What our children at St. Martin’s say about our Vision and Values:
How does our Christian vision of ‘Serve one another in love’ help you?
I think if you treat someone well, they might treat you the same (Year 1 child).
I think you should love everyone, even those that we don’t know well and aren’t as friendly with (Year 4 child).
Our school vision helps us to think about how we treat others (Year 4 child).
We can help others if they are having a bad day and sometimes showing love can make someone’s day (Year 5 child).
Jesus served others, so we can do the same (Year 6 child).
How does learning about the Christian values help you?
It reminds us to be kind (Year 2 child).
Jesus teaches us to be good (EYFS child).
Learning the values helps us to be a better person (Year 6 child).
We can thank others (Year 4 child).
The values help us to improve in the different areas, such as being kind or forgiveness (Year 5 child).
Teaches us the word of God (Year 6 child).