St Martin's C. of E. Primary School
Telephone: 01723 360239

Runswick Bay

Welcome to Year 6!

Our class name is Runswick Bay and we are in our final year of Primary School. Mrs Plumpton is our teacher and Mrs Walker and Mrs Murray work with us.


Please keep up to date by following your child on Class Dojo where important information will be shared regularly. Photos of some of the children's experiences throughout the year will also be posted when possible.


We do PE on a Tuesday and Thursday each week. Please ensure your child brings the appropriate, labelled school PE kit. We will send PE kits home at the end of each week.



In Maths, we follow 'White Rose Maths' topics of work and we use a mixture of White Rose resources, as well as teacher created resources to ensure that there is comprehensive coverage of the Year 6 curriculum. In each topic area, children have lots of opportunities to develop their fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills.


The children also take part in a weekly ‘Maths Challenge,’ where they aim to beat their score and time from the previous week. This helps with the recall of basic maths facts.


Reading and Writing:

In our class, reading is at the heart of what we do and we get great pleasure from reading a range of challenging and diverse texts.


Every day, children are given 15 minutes of ‘Reading for Pleasure’ time. This is sacred time, where children are allowed to read anything they want to. It could be a book from home, an article printed from a website on a topic that interests them, or even a magazine or comic book. We also have children's newspapers delivered once a week in class that are accessible too.


Additionally, each day in class, children read a text together during 'Whole Class Reading'. This important time is always adult led and is a time for rich discussion and enjoyment of a text.


In English, we follow Jane Considine’s ‘The Write Stuff’ approach, which is a book-based approach to the teaching of writing.


The Curriculum:

You are able to see what else we are studying by looking at our yearly Curriculum Planner and Medium Term Plans below.



Children receive homework each week which consists of weekly spellings, Maths, GPS and Reading Comprehension. Homework is given out on a Friday and should be returned for marking by the following Friday.


What else happens in Year 6?

In the Autumn Term, the children take part in the £5 Challenge where they create a business plan, sell the product that they have created and raise money for a charity of their choice. Year 6 children also get the chance to go to Liverpool in the Summer Term for a 3-night residential visit.


At the end of the year, the Year 6 children lead the Key Stage 2 production over at Scarborough College Theatre.


Keep popping back to see what we get up to in our final year at St. Martin’s!



We will be using Class Dojo as our main form of communication so please check regularly for updates.

Class curriculum and useful documents

Please find useful class documents to help your child in and out of School.

Class Documents

Document Name Date
Curriculum Planner 2024-25.pdfSeptember 02 2024, 17:01:35
Medium Term Plan-Autumn 2024.pdfSeptember 02 2024, 17:01:38
Y6 Medium Term Plan-Spring 2025.pdfDecember 12 2024, 08:35:03

Class photos

The School

Tel: 01723 360239


Holbeck Hill,


North Yorkshire,

YO11 3BW


Paper copies of all documents are available free of charge upon request from the school office. They are also available in large print and different languages on request.

Website Information