St Martin's C. of E. Primary School
Telephone: 01723 360239


Welcome to Sandsend

Welcome to Sandsend Class! Mrs Logue is the class teacher and our support staff are Mrs Rutt. On Wednesday and Friday afternoons, Mrs Rutt takes the class when Mrs Logue has PPA time.

Please keep an eye out for class updates on Class Dojo, we will post on the Class Story when we need to share any key information.



English and Maths

For our English lessons, we are following 'The Write Stuff' scheme of learning, which is a book-based approach to writing. In Maths, we will be using 'White Rose Maths' to support our learning within the subject.



Our PE days will be Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure full PE kit (labelled) is sent to school, particularly as the weather gets colder.



Homework will be set each week which consists of Maths, GPS and reading comprehension. Children will receive homework on a Friday to be handed in the following Friday.


Updates and Key Information

Please keep an eye out for class updates on Class Dojo, we will post on the Class Story when we need to share any key information. ClassDojo for Teachers.

Class curriculum and useful documents

Please find useful class documents to help your child in and out of School.

Class Documents

Document Name Date
Curriculum Planner 2024-25.pdfSeptember 02 2024, 16:55:38
Medium Term Plan-Autumn 2024.pdfSeptember 02 2024, 16:55:41
Medium Term Plan-Spring 2025.pdfDecember 19 2024, 11:42:51

Class photos

The School

Tel: 01723 360239


Holbeck Hill,


North Yorkshire,

YO11 3BW


Paper copies of all documents are available free of charge upon request from the school office. They are also available in large print and different languages on request.

Website Information