Boggle Hole
Welcome to Boggle Hole
Mrs Hugill is the class teacher and Mrs Randall is the teaching assistant. Other adults in the classroom are Miss Nicholson, Mrs Potter, Mrs Capper and Mrs Knight. Mr Smith and Mrs Randall will teach the class on Fridays.
English and Maths
In English this year, we will be following the 'Write Stuff' which is a book-based approach to writing and in Maths will be using 'White Rose' to support the children's learning.
PE will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure PE kits are in school for the whole week as slots may change.
Class Activities and Events
Our classes use ClassDojo as our platform for class activities and events, for more details please login to your ClassDojo account by clicking the button below.
Class curriculum and useful documents
Please find useful class documents to help your child in and out of School.
Document Name | Date |
Curriculum Planner 2024-25.pdf | September 03 2024, 17:11:31 |
Medium Term Plan-Autumn 2024.pdf | September 03 2024, 17:11:34 |
Medium Term Plan-Spring 2025.pdf | December 12 2024, 08:30:29 |
Class photos