Burniston Rocks
A very warm welcome to Burniston Rock’s Class Page!
Our class is made up of Year 1 children and the teacher is called Mrs Bosomworth. We have two wonderful teaching assistants called Mrs Taylor and Mrs Merron.
Please keep up to date by following your child on class dojo where important information will be shared. Photos of some of the children’s experiences throughout the year will also be posted. It is so lovely to see your comments on there.
Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure your children bring the appropriate, labelled school PE kit. We will send PE kits home at the end of each half term.
Reading and Phonics
We love reading in Burniston Rocks and have a range of Recommended Reads available for our year group. When we get the chance, we enjoy reading books on our own and to each other. Each day the children will be able to cast a vote as to which book they would like to have read to them at the end of each day.
All children will continue to take part in Reading Practise sessions using the Big Cat Little Wandle books. Children will also have a weekly opportunity to choose a library book to take home.
To help with reading, we use Little Wandle as our phonics scheme which is a comprehensive programme that identifies any ‘gaps’ in knowledge and ensures children become fluent readers and can access the curriculum as a whole.
In maths we will be following ‘White Rose Maths’ topics of work and will use a mixture of White Rose resources as well as teacher created resources to ensure that there is a comprehensive coverage of the curriculum with a mixture of practical and written work. In each topic area, children will have lots of opportunities to develop their fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills. We also have 15 minutes each day where children access White Rose Fluency Bee, this allows children to continue to practise key knowledge and promotes the fast recall of these key facts.
Class Activities and Events
Our classes use ClassDojo as our platform for class activities and events, for more details please login to your ClassDojo account by clicking the button below.
Class curriculum and useful documents
Please find useful class documents to help your child in and out of School.
Document Name | Date |
Curriculum Planner 2024-25.pdf | September 02 2024, 16:59:46 |
Medium Term Plan-Autumn 2024.pdf | September 02 2024, 16:59:49 |
Medium Term Plan-Spring 2025.pdf | January 06 2025, 13:14:36 |
Class photos